Effects and Benefits of Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire associated with planet Saturn is a highly adored blue closured precious Gemstone. It is the strongest and the fastest acting gemstones and there is a strong belief among people that it shows very fast results to its wearer. It has been seen that in many cases Blue Sapphire brings windfall gains in terms of a rise in social status, overcoming bad times, wealth and fortune.

The stone occurs in different shades of blue ranging from sky to dark blue colour. Known as Neelam Stone in India the Blue sapphire is one of the most sought after gemstones. People love to possess this stone due to it’s powerful and high valued astrological properties.

Wearing Neelm fills you with confidence which in turns makes you mentally robust to take head on the challenges and adversities which unfolds during the journey of life. However, consultation has to be made before wearing this stone as it is widely believed that it is the fastest and strongest acting stone and possesses power to bring prosperity or devastating negative effects in the wearer's life in no time.

The stone is recommended by the astrologers to neutralize the ill effects of the stages of ‘Shani sadhe sati or Dhiyya’ in an individual’s horoscope.

What are the effects and benefits of blue sapphire?

Blue Sapphire is considered to act as a protective shield against upheavals of life. Neelam is considered as one of the most powerful stones on astrological scales. The stone is believed to positively strengthen business wealth and prosperity. In addition, if blue sapphire suits the wearer he or she may see a meteoric rise in professional and public life as it adds to wisdom, confidence, and self-expressing capabilities of an individual.

Wearing of Neelam is also recommended to people as it helps in overcoming nervous and other neurological problems that are present in an individual’s life due to planet Saturn’s negative impact.    

However, the stone shall be worn only after a recommendation from a reputed astrologer and doing proper energizing rituals of the stone, or else it may bring counterproductive results such as a dent in social status, reputation, problems in familial relations to the wearer. In addition, if stone does not suit the wearer it may harm his professional position, losses in business and negative impact on social relations etc.   

Gem Mines is the most trusted place to buy Govt. Lab certified high quality, genuinely Original Blue Sapphire Noida. We have a vast range of Original Neelam to meet the needs of every class of customers. We are commanding a leadership position in dealing all types of gemstones in Delhi NCR


Neelam Stone Online - Gem Mines is the most trustworthy name supplying natural and Original Neelam in Delhi & NCR. We also provide facilities for online purchases as well. Your worries, about the price and authenticity of stone ends, as and when, you place your Neelam order with us. We offer the best price for any kind of precious & semi-precious gemstones. Our prices are matchless in competitiveness in the market. We provide shipping in India. On purchasing of the Neelam gemstone you get test certificate from India’s best gem testing laboratory. For more info, visit our website- www.gemmines.in

We are known to supply the best quality Neelam gemstones to our users. Wear our excellent quality Blue Sapphire for best desired results.

Changes after wearing blue sapphire:

The fastest acting gemstone If suits it provides instant relief from Saturn Transits like the Sade Sati. The other changes can be noticed in terms of rise in energy levels in the wearers’ life.

It brings positivity in life by bringing wealth and fortunes, improved social status, success in business and professional life, and opens up better options at work places in terms of pay, perks and promotion avenues.

Neelam Stone is highly protective in the sense that it keeps away upheavals of life from the wearer and protects him or her from nefarious moves of their enemies.

It consecrates the wearer with mental robustness thus helps in overcoming confusions in life thereby helps the wearer to make correct decisions in life, the most important aspect for progress in life. In addition, it has excellent healing capabilities in nervous disorders.

It sometimes helps individuals to overcome unknown fears and complexes haunting them.

Most importantly it creates a conducive environment for the wearer to help him or her to make wealth and fortunes.

It helps people who have spiritual inclination to improve upon their capabilities of meditation and self-realization by improving their Crown Chakra.


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