Pearl best to fight against Stressed Mind and Instability in life

What is special about pearls?

Pearl is an organic, white to bluish brown, coloured semi-precious, very cool looking, gemstone. Adored by women of all ages it forms an important component of their jewelry. It is suitable for people born under Sagittarius, Pisces, and Leo it is also the birthstone and the Rashi Ratna for the Cancer sun sign as well.     

Pearl has a special and important place in Vedic astrology. It is produced inside the body of a living organism called 'mollusc'. It is worn to pacify the Moon planet in the birth chart of the wearer. Those who have problems with excessive anger should wear pearls. It helps in curing depression, and mental disorders, as well as improving memory and gives confidence to the wearer.

It is believed that the white pearl is a symbol of purity, knowledge, wealth, and integrity, it removes the ill effects of the moon and strengthens the mind. It instills a sense of positivity and courage in the wearer. Pearls are known to have a soothing and calming effect on the wearer.

Yellow pearl is considered to be a strong gemstone to counter the negative effects of the Moon in the horoscope. Pearl is a gemstone that is ruled by Moon and proves to be highly beneficial in bringing stability in life by strengthening confidence in a person suffering from a stressed mind, indecision, depression, and instability in life.

Types of pearl stone

Pearls are basically divided into two varieties on the basis of the medium of their origin. There are two basic varieties of pearls that grow in fresh and saltwater: Freshwater pearls are produced by oysters living in man-made lakes, while saltwater pearls are found in the ocean. Seawater pearls are considered the best because of their high quality and authenticity. Golden pearls are the most attractive type of pearls.

Pearl price in India

Seawater Pearls price in India are sold per carat by weight, the larger the pearl, the higher its value. Pearls gathered from seawater are very expensive compared with pearls obtained from freshwater oysters. Currently, better-quality Seawater pearls can be bought starting from Rs.1000 per carat and may reach as high as Rs.1 to 2 lakh rupees. Meanwhile, pearls produced using freshwater medium are sold as low as Rs.40 per gram, the price increases with the increase in quality. A very high-grade quality freshwater pearl can cost you somewhere between Rs.300 to 400 per gram.

Pearl stone benefits

Pearl Benefits strengthens the moon and helps to overcome all the negativity that may arise because of a weak Moon in the natal horoscope. It brings stability to life by strengthening confidence in a person suffering from a stressed mind, indecision, depression, and instability in life.

Gemstone shop near me

Gem Mines shops in Delhi NCR are the best place to buy guaranteed genuine, natural, and lab-certified gemstones. Our stores are just one click away from you.  Natural gemstones are the only remedy to neutralize the planetary malice effect from a person’s horoscope and achieve best-desired results and worldly successes.

Gem Mines is the most trusted place to buy Lab-certified high-quality, genuinely natural Gemstone. We have a vast range of natural gemstones both in precious and semi-precious range to meet the needs of every class of customers. We are the most trusted name in the gemstone arena in Delhi NCR dealing in every kind of precious and semi-precious Gemstone in Delhi NCR.

If you are planning to buy Pearl whether Sea or freshwater variety Gem Mines is the most trusted place from where you can make your purchase. We guarantee the authenticity of our product. Our prices are the best and most competitive in the market. For more info, visit our website-

We are committed to supplying the best quality gemstones to our customers. Wear our excellent quality gemstones for the best-desired results


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